Jobs for Autumn

Autumn is upon us, the nights are drawing in earlier, its getting noticeably colder at night and first thing in the morning. Its still a busy time in the garden with lots of jobs for Autumn, mainly in preparation for winter and spring.
Planting and transplanting plants
Best time of year for planting new shrubs, plants and trees the soil is still warm enough for plant roots to establish and heavy showers keep the soil moist so plant roots can absorb essential nutrients. Moving plants to other parts of the garden in autumn increases the chances of success.
As well as plants autumn is the best time for laying new lawns or patching up bare areas with grass seeds.
Plant up spring bulbs autumn gives them time to root in and then flower at the right time in spring. Lift tender plants for overwintering and pop in spring bulbs in there place – when your springs bulbs have finished thats a sign that its time to re plant tender perennials lifted in autumn previous.
Overgrown lifted perennials can be divided so smaller clumps can be either planted in other parts of the garden or given away to friends and family !
Give green houses a good clean and organise tools in preparation for spring – clean greenhouses are less likely to harbour harmful bacteria to plants
Bring in pots containing tender plants – house them in the greenhouse or potting shed. Larger tender plants or plants in the ground should be wrapped carefully in horticultural fleece. Dont use bubble wrap its not breathable create moisture which will freeze and damage plants.
Turn off outdoor taps from inside and empty them out to prevent water freezing and damaging pipework.
After cleaning out ponds net them over to prevent leaves and other debris falling back into your tidy pond.
Talk to us today
Why not discuss your requirements now with an experienced landscape gardener? We'd be delighted to have a chat and see how we can put our expertise at your disposal.
Call us today on 0114 3485221
Contact M&M Gardening Services Sheffield
M&M Gardening Services
94 Wollaton Road
Sheffield S17 4LG
Telephone: 0114 3485221
Mobile: 07779 330638