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How to repair your fence

How to repair your fence

All your outdoor items require a touch of tender loving care in order to continue  looking their best – your garden fence is no different. With the unpredictable British weather lots of rain, (some) hot dry periods, and heavy Sheffield winds, soil, garden pests, rot...
How to prepare your soil for a new lawn

How to prepare your soil for a new lawn

All great lawns start with a good foundation. Get this right and with ongoing maintenance you’ll have a beautiful area that is green, lush and healthy. First of all, once your old lawn has been removed get rid of all stones and debris from the ground and soil. Don’t...
Spring Garden Lawn Care

Spring Garden Lawn Care

From late Autumn and throughout the winter months your lawn becomes dormant.  With the onset of Spring its time to turn your attention back to lawn care; here is what you should now be doing!   Clearing Your lawn should be cleared of leaves and other garden...
15 Gardening Tips for Spring

15 Gardening Tips for Spring

15 Gardening Tips for Spring Spring is finally here Spring usually arrives by mid-Mach longer days and frequent sunny days provide the opportunity for an increasing range of gardening tasks. It’s time to get busy preparing seedbeds, sowing seed, cutting winter shrubs...