From late Autumn and throughout the winter months your lawn becomes dormant. With the onset of Spring its time to turn your attention back to lawn care; here is what you should now be doing!
Your lawn should be cleared of leaves and other garden debris from Autumn and throughout the winter months but its vital to continue the regime with the onset of spring. Rising temperatures, moist ground and shade caused by leaves will promote moss growth and starve your lawn of its ability to absorb nitrogen resulting in weak, yellowish lawn
Handy tip – Collect leaves using a good old rake or a leaf blower for larger lawns, leaves make an ideal garden mulch added to the compost or kept on a leaf mulch pile. Rotted leaves can then be added to your plant borders
Handy Tips
Edge out the lawn with a half moon to give the edges a nice crisp look and define plant borders and lawned areas. Remember the lawn edging can also be added to the compost bin!
Lawns get a lot of heavy footfall, especially family lawns resulting in compacted soil and making it difficult for the grassroots to get vital air into the roots necessary for healthy growth. You still have time to aerate your lawn use a garden fork or for larger lawns use an aerating machine,
As temperatures rise and the ground is still wet its perfect conditions for moss to start growing, scarifying will help to slow and reduce moss growth and give you fighting a chance to deal with this problem better later in the season. Use a rake or for larger lawns consider hiring a scarifier. Collect moss off your lawn and bin it!. Dont be tempted to put moss in the compost moss spores will stay dormant and you will be spreading moss spores around the garden
Patch it up
Raking moss off the lawn will result in some bare patches! Mix grass seeds in with potting compost and use this to patch up bare areas. Grass seeds will germinate as temperatures rise
Apply an all in one lawn feed, moss and herbicide – after a long dormant period your lawn will be need of good feed, keeping it looking lush and green, the herbicide will kill off early weeds and prevent seeding resulting in a weed free lawn later in the summer months.
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