0114 3485221 / 07779 330638

15 Gardening Tips for Spring

Mar 8, 2018

Spring is finally here

Spring usually arrives by mid-Mach longer days and frequent sunny days provide the opportunity for an increasing range of gardening tasks. It’s time to get busy preparing seedbeds, sowing seed, cutting winter shrubs and continuing with the last of the winter tidying. Here are some gardening tips to get you ready

1. Protect new spring shoots from slugs.

2. Plant out hardy shallots, onion sets and chitted potatoes.

3. Plant summer flowering bulbs, such as freesia, allium or Lillys. These are ideal in planted in pots / containers and can be placed in a sheltered area if there is a risk of frost overnight.

4. Lift and split large clumps of perennials, such as hostas and peonies.

5. Top dress containers with fresh compost and slow release fertiliser.

6. Give your lawn a light cut to encourage grass to creep and fill in.

7. Edge out the lawn with a half-moon to define lawn and borders.

8. You can still aerate your lawn using a garden fork or for larger areas use a aerating machine.

9. Apply a all in one lawn feed, moss and weed killer, for a greener thicker lawn, free of excessive moss and weeds. You can also rake out patches of moss and fill in bare patches with grass seeds.

10. Continue to clear away fallen leaves from paths and lawned areas, leaves are ideal for composting.

11. Trim dogwoods, Salix and contorted hazel grown for its colourful winter stems or prune out weak and or damaged stems to encourage thicker growth of those remaining.

12. Hoe out weeds and early emerging brambles for early control.

13. Prune back roses and climbing plants such as clematis and wisteria.

14. Mulch plant borders with compost or leaf mould providing much needed nutrients and provides insulation for emerging plants.

15. Repot root bound plants using fresh compost. Remember to water them well to avoid the fresh compost to avoid water being drawn away from the plant and encourage feeder roots to fill into the new compost.


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M&M Gardening Services
94 Wollaton Road
Sheffield S17 4LG

Telephone: 0114 3485221
Mobile: 07779 330638